If you’ve ever driven close to the Organ Mountains, you’ve more than likely noticed the many beautiful adobe homes that populate that area. With their distinct beige colors and classic “New Mexican” designs, these homes are some of the most sought after in Las Cruces.
When it comes to building your dream adobe home, it’s necessary to team up with a home builder who knows exactly what it takes to create a house that’s both functional and beautiful. This is where Villa Custom Homes comes into play. Since we specialize in rammed earth, you can rest easy knowing we’ll bring your dream to fruition.
Rammed Earth is the Way to Go
When you see an “adobe” home, you may actually be looking at a rammed earth home. That is because adobe homes are time-consuming builds since the adobe bricks themselves need to cure in the sun until they harden. The technique of building true adobe homes is an antique method that hasn’t changed much in decades.
Rammed earth construction, similarly enough, hasn’t changed in decades and centuries. This construction process simulates the natural process of sedimentary rock creation. Rammed earth walls, for instance, are extremely thick (from 18 to 24 inches) and can stand the test of time. These homes yield the same outward appearance as adobe homes while providing a plethora of benefits.
The Beauty of Natural Materials
Rammed earth homes are designed and built to stand the test of time. These homes are also perfect for the desert environment. Rammed earth walls contain thermal mass, meaning they maintain cool indoor temperatures during the hot summer days, and warm up at night as it gets colder outside. The science behind this particular effect is a top reason why so many prospective homeowners in the Southwest choose rammed earth homes over traditionally-built homes.
These homes are incredibly energy efficient, beautiful, timeless, pest-resistant, fireproof, and so much more! You’ll be able to stay cool indoors while saving on energy usage. Rammed earth homes naturally reduce noise due to the thickness of their walls, so you’ll never have to worry about loud neighbors or leaf blowers.
Why a Reliable Home Builder Matters
The rammed earth building process requires skill and experience so it’s necessary to choose a home builder with the expertise necessary to make your dreams come true. Villa Custom Homes has been your trusted source for decades, and we see no sign of stopping any time soon. When you choose us as your home builder, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing your vision will come to fruition exactly how you pictured it in your mind.
Give us a call today to learn more about what we have to offer!